Did you know that some naturally occurring herbs can help you treat type 2 diabetes? These herbs are able to influence the stabilization of blood sugar levels and improve the discomfort caused by type 2 diabetes, but remember to never use them to replace the treatment prescribed by a diabetes specialist.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of this disease. It is associated with elevated blood glucose levels. This occurs when your body does not produce enough insulin or when the insulin itself is improperly processed by the body. This condition causes glucose levels in the blood to remain high instead of being converted into energy in the cells.
Type 2 diabetes is a disease that requires the patient to undergo regular check-ups with the doctor. Under no circumstances can you treat it on your own. But it is possible to alleviate the course of the disease and to support your body with natural herbal remedies.
To prevent the development of the disease, regular exercise is recommended. You should also consider switching to a healthy and well-balanced diet. However, if you want to go a step further, you should learn about the uses of some popular herbs. They can help you treat a number of diseases that include type 2 diabetes.
Remember that none of the herbs described below can replace the specialized treatment prescribed to you by your diabetes doctor. Their role can only be to provide your body with additional assistance, you must not under any circumstances ignore the recommendations of your doctor.
Now that we have established the most important issues, it is time to move on to the main part of our article today. We invite you to read it!
Fighting Type 2 Diabetes With Turmeric!
The first of the herbs we present that will help you with type 2 diabetes without any doubt is turmeric. Ayurvedic medicine appreciates the many health benefits offered by this plant and its reputation is fully deserved.
Since it contains the powerful anti-inflammatory agent curcumin in its composition, it is also recommended to consume this plant for arthritis and cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to its other active compounds, turmeric also helps to noticeably lower blood sugar levels.
You only need to consume a little bit of turmeric once a day. Since it is available almost exclusively in powdered form, adding just a pinch of this spice will help you lower the glucose levels in your blood. This will automatically help you slow down the progress that type 2 diabetes is making in your body.
Another plant that can help you treat diseases such as type 2 diabetes, among others, is ginger. It has been known for centuries for its ability to relieve many ailments, from the common cold to indigestion.
Over the years, scientists from different parts of the world have conducted a number of studies to further investigate the properties of ginger root. The results of most of them have shown that the plant has properties that help treat type 2 diabetes, among others.
A good way to take advantage of the benefits offered by ginger is to take 1/2 teaspoon (about 2 g) of the powdered root of this plant every day for the next 8 weeks. Be sure to take it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning after waking up.
Since it is a plant with strong anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps reduce inflammation in your body. And also many of the health problems caused by diabetes, which can, among other things, lead to vision problems in people struggling with the disease.
Cinnamon can help stabilize blood sugar levels because it reduces the absorption of glucose after eating. It also helps lower cholesterol levels. However, you should know that there are two main varieties of cinnamon available in the market. These are “true” cinnamon, called Cinnamomum Verum and originating from Ceylon, and Cinnamomum Cassia which originates from China.
While for culinary purposes the former is by far the better variety, Cassia is most effective in lowering blood glucose levels. Caution should be exercised, however, as using this variety for long periods of time can cause liver damage.
To avoid the side effects of cinnamon, we therefore recommend using the Ceylon variety. This is important because if your type 2 diabetes is among the more severe cases, you probably plan to take cinnamon every day for a long time.
In this case, Cinnamomum Verum offers a slightly weaker blood glucose-lowering effect. However, it's also completely safe for your liver, unlike the Cassia variety. If you're only going to be taking cinnamon for a short while, however, you may opt for the Cassia variety.
If this is the case, use it once or up to twice a week in an amount of no more than 1/4 teaspoon and for no longer than a month.
Black Curry
Black curry is the common name for a curry that originated in Sri Lanka and includes coriander, dill and cumin. Of course, it's a great spice for food, but an even better medicinal product if you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It helps you get the effect, among other things:
- Reduce blood cholesterol levels
- Fighting inflammation and bacterial infections
- Protects the heart and liver
If you use black curry regularly, your blood sugar levels can drop by up to 50% (depending on the severity of your condition).
Aloe Vera Gel
This plant offers you truly countless benefits. For example, it is great for soothing sunburns, healing wounds and protecting hair from UV rays. And also for weight loss and the treatment of many diseases, which include type 2 diabetes.
Here are some of the benefits of using it:
Research shows it effectively lowers blood sugar levels
To get the maximum benefits provided by this plant, it is advisable to have some fresh aloe vera pulp always on hand. For this purpose, the easiest way is to grow aloe vera for yourself and cut off some of its leaves if necessary.
You can then add the pulp obtained from them to a fruit cocktail or drink a refreshing drink made from green cucumber and lemon with the addition of aloe vera.
Berberine is usually found on the market in the form of an extract from a plant that may not be very well known, but undoubtedly has remarkable abilities related to the treatment of diabetes.
These include lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It also reduces a number of inflammatory conditions in your body. However, you should be careful when using it because berberine, when taken in excessive amounts, can cause a number of unwanted side effects. The two most serious of these are abdominal pain and bloating.
If you want to use an extract from this plant, we recommend trying it for a week first to see how your body tolerates it, while being careful about side effects.
Blueberry Leaves
You may have already come across the statement that blueberry leaves can help reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Another option is to use cherry leaves and consume them in the form of an infusion. Keep in mind, however, that we are only talking about the leaves here and not the fruit.
You can get some really surprising results this way, including but not limited to lowering your blood sugar levels after consuming such an infusion and reducing dangerous glucose spikes.
Essential Ingredients:
- 1 liter of water
- Handful of blueberry or cherry leaves
How to prepare the blueberry infusion:
- Boil a liter of water and once it reaches a boil, add the blueberry leaves to it.
- Let it brew for 10 minutes, then remove the dish from the heat.
- Allow the liquid to cool to room temperature.
- Afterwards, enjoy the infusion alone or added to a vegetable or fruit smoothie throughout the day.
- Try to avoid adding any sweeteners to it.
The post 7 Helpful Herbs For Type 2 Diabetes Patients appeared first on Natural Herbal Recipes For Everyday Use.
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