When we have diarrhea and also when we are in the process of recovering, we need to pay attention to a number of things. After all, we want to avoid making this condition worse. So it is important that we follow a strict diet. Moreover, it is better that we do not eat certain foods that can irritate the stomach.
Diarrhea is one of those conditions that can occur at any time. It doesn't matter how well you take care of yourself. If you have problems with loose stool, it is better to avoid certain foods. Actually, diarrhea is a fairly simple problem. However, it can cause many unpleasant situations in your daily life.
You may even feel extremely tired and extremely dehydrated after only 48 hours of diarrhea.
To avoid making things worse, it is recommended that if you have problems with diarrhea, you know which foods to avoid. This is important because some products can cause it to last longer, when in fact it could have been over in a day.
5 types of food to avoid when having diarrhea problems
Foods that cause gas
The first foods to avoid when having problems with diarrhea are products that cause gas. Their effect will increase your discomfort and worsen the problem.
This group of foods includes a number of types of vegetables, such as:
- Beans
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Onions
On the other hand, the vegetables that will help you are the green ones like cucumber, spinach or chard. Remember to eat them raw or cook them without fat. Also, avoid eating them together with dairy products.
These are some fruits you should avoid because they cause gas:
- Apricot
- Plums and raisins
- Peaches
Replace these fruits with:
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Melon
- Pineapple
- Strawberries
Fats and sugars
Do you have a tendency to eat foods that are high in fats and sugars? If so, chances are your intake of these products is causing diarrhea. If your diet regularly includes these foods, try avoiding them for a while.
In any case, you should avoid the following foods at all costs:
- Sausage
- Fast foods
- Fatty pieces of meat
- Sauces
- Commercial dressings
Replace these foods with lean proteins that are baked or cooked.
These are the best choices:
- Broth
- Soups
- Kip
- Veal
- Turkey
Sugars and sugar substitutes should also be avoided if you have problems with diarrhea. The reason is that they have a laxative effect. If you eat or drink them when you have diarrhea, they will increase the bloating in the abdomen. You will suffer more from gas.
Milk and dairy products
Even if you are not lactose intolerant, if you have problems with diarrhea, you should be careful with dairy products and sometimes even avoid them. This also applies for 48 hours after the problem is gone. This is necessary to keep the discomfort from getting worse or returning.
You have to be careful with milk because you need the enzyme lactase to digest milk. When you have problems with diarrhea or right after, the production of lactase in the gut is reduced. This will worsen symptoms such as gas, bloating, and nausea.
So you need to be careful with certain foods and may need to temporarily shelve them from your diet. Consider:
- Ice cream
- Cream derived from milk
- Soft cheeses
- Butter
- Milk (including skimmed and semi-skimmed milk)
The only food made from milk that is unlikely to cause symptoms is yogurt. Yogurt contains less lactose and just a large amount of probiotics. Therefore, it helps to put an end to diarrhea. Just make sure you eat organic yogurt. Avoid the versions with sugar.
Coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol
Actually, these are not foods. Nevertheless, we add coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol to the list of products to avoid if you have problems with diarrhea. The determining factor is how regularly we use them.
These three drinks cause irritation in the stomach and intestines. We are used to drinking them but they can worsen our discomfort. The recommendation is not to drink them for at least a week after the diarrhea is over.
- You can replace coffee with tea. The best choices are chamomile, mint or peppermint.
- Replace soft drinks with water or fruit infusions.
- Alcohol is best left out completely.
In case the diarrhea is very strong, try to alternate the drinks you take.
Spicy foods and dishes
If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea is probably a constant problem in your life. In that case, if you have problems with runny stool, you should avoid irritating products. Moreover, you should always be careful with these foods.
But even if you have healthy bowels, it is better to avoid spicy dishes at the time of diarrhea. Some people live their lives without knowing they have irritable bowel syndrome. If you have regular diarrhea, talk to your doctor. He or she can then check whether you might be suffering from this syndrome.
Some tips on how to prepare the food
Whether you have diarrhea or not, you should always make sure that the food you take is in an optimal state. What does this mean?
- The products must have been washed.
- You have to prepare the food in a certain way. When you are suffering from diarrhea and in the week after the diarrhea disappears, you should make sure that most of the food you eat is cooked.
Fruit is the only exception. But it's not a bad idea at all to cook an apple or a pear. During the rest of the time, you should try to make sure that most of the foods you eat outside are cooked and low in fats.
- Wash your hands before preparing and eating food.
- Disinfect any surface on which you prepare the food (the countertop, cutting board, and so on).
- Avoid freezing and thawing food more than twice. During the changes in temperature, the products may spoil.
Now you know which foods are better to avoid when you have diarrhea. So take these precautions and adjust your diet a little bit. After a few days, everything will return to normal. However, remember to pay attention to what you eat.
Ginger for diarrhea
A popular antimicrobial and tonic plant used in the treatment of colds and is also effective in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is ginger. The root of the plant has antiseptic, antispasmodic, and bactericidal action.
Take a glass of boiling water and ½ teaspoon of dried ginger. Mix everything well and cover with a lid until cool. Add a tablespoon of honey and a squeeze of fresh lemon. Use the tea 2-3 times a day. Instead of ginger powder, you can use 20 g of the fresh crushed plant.
Peel and grind 50 grams of ginger root. Add to that 2 tablespoons of sage and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix everything well and pour a liter of boiling water. Simmer until the sugar dissolves and filter. Drink it warm or cold during the day.
Another way to use ginger is to mix a teaspoon of chopped root with a tablespoon of honey. This medicine helps with diarrhea and acts as excellent prophylaxis for colds.
The post 5 Foods To Avoid If You Have Diarrhea appeared first on Natural Herbal Recipes For Everyday Use.
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